Monday, 26 November 2012

Winter Strength Gain Workout

This may seem like a very simplistic workout, but sometimes it is easy to forget the main simple principles of strength training. This is not a full length feature, but before we start blasting out the reps it's probably best to quickly remind ourselves of a few things:

- Do not start a strength training program if you have not built up your muscular endurance first.
- Although you can lift the weight with power (a faster tempo than muscle gaining exercises), it should still be in a technical manner.
- Put foam on the bar when doing extra heavy lifts like squats so you don't directly hurt your joints.
- Lift heavy with low reps, plenty of sets and plenty of rest between sets  (over 3 minutes in this case).
- For this particular routine alternate between week 1 and week 2 for a total of six weeks.


Benchpress: Light (warmup): 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (resting for 3-4 minutes between sets)
Incline Benchpress: 4x 4 (3-4 minutes rest between sets)
Pullovers (dumbell or EZ bar): 2x 4  (3 minutes rest between set)
Normal Grip Bent Over Rows: Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (resting for 3-4 mins rest)
Deadlifts: Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (3-4 minutes rest between sets)

Static stretches for chest and back


Squats with barbell: Light: 15 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 2x 4 - 1x 2 - 2x 4  (3-4 mins rest)
Standing Calf Raise or Calf Raise on Leg press machine: Light: 20 reps  Heavy: 4x 5 (3-4 mins rest)
Step-ups (onto bench or raised platform): 2x 4 (3 minutes rest between set)
Hanging or Roman-Chair leg raises: 3x 10 (1 min rests) or weighted: 3x 5  (3 min rests)
Gym ball crunch: 3x 10 (1 min rests) or ab crunch machine: 3 x 5 (3 min rests)

Static stretches for legs and abs


Overhead Press: Light: 15 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (3-4 mins rest)
Barbell Shrugs (gripping bar in front of you): Light: 20 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 2x 4 - 1x 2 - 2x 4 (3-4 min rests)
Lat Raises: 2x 5  (3 min rests)
Widegrip Barbell Curls: Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4  (3 min rests)
Tricep Pushdowns: Light: 15 reps (30 secs rest) Heavy: 4x 4 (3 min rests)
Barbell Wrist Curls: 2x 5  (3 min rest)

Static stretches for shoulders and arms


Decline Benchpress: Light (warmup): 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (resting for 3-4 minutes between sets)
Dumbell Flye: 4x 4 (3-4 minutes rest between sets)
Pullovers (dumbell or EZ bar): 2x 4  (3 minutes rest between set)
Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows: Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (resting for 3-4 mins rest)
Deadlifts: Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4 (3-4 minutes rest between sets)

Static stretches for chest and back


Squats with barbell: Light: 15 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 2x 4 - 1x 2 - 2x 4  (3-4 mins rest)
Standing Calf Raise or Calf Raise on Leg press machine: Light: 20 reps  Heavy: 4x 5 (3-4 mins rest)
Step-ups (onto bench or raised platform): 2x 4 (3 minutes rest between set)
Incline Oblique Crunches (each side) : 3x 10 (1 min rests)
Incline Crunch: 3x 10 (1 min rests) it is optional to add a weight plate

Static stretches for legs and abs


Front Raises: Light: 12 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 5 (3-4 mins rest)
Barbell Shrugs (gripping bar behind you): Light: 20 reps (30 secs rest)  Heavy: 2x 4 - 1x 2 - 2x 4 (3-4 min rests)
Lat Raises: 2x 5  (3 min rests)
Closegrip Barbell Curls (or EZ bar if you find this too difficult): Light: 15 reps (30secs rest)  Heavy: 4x 4  (3 min rests)
Closegrip Benchpress: Light: 15 reps (30 secs rest) Heavy: 4x 4 (3 min rests)
Plate pinch: 2x 60secs (1.5 min rest)  - hold two weight plates together by your side using only your fingers, this will increase your grip strength. If you do this with both arms obviously you will need four weight plates overall. Performing the exercise this was may help you keep more balanced with a better posture.

Static stretches for shoulders and arms

Saturday, 1 September 2012

September Total Body Pump At Home


For the weights room/gym alternative please follow this link:


Please note that if you need to take a rest during the actual set (a rest-pause) then do so, just don't cheat yourself on the rest between sets and exercises by taking longer than specified. Using a stopwatch or an app on your phone (such as a round-timer) is a good idea for this workout to make sure you are keeping to the correct times and you will really feel the pump! You will also need an aerobics step (alternatively a set of stairs). A gym ball is also useful for this workout but if you don't have one then perform another workout that you know works the same muscle groups if you can or contact us in the comments below for suggestions.

Warmup - 15 star jumps, 15 calf burn-outs (like skipping without the rope), 15 bodweight squats, 15 dumbell bent-over rows (with a very low weight), 10 press-ups, 10 crunches and 5 leg raises

Bodyweight Squats: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests between the sets)
(1 minute rest after exercise)
Calf Raises on Step: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Press-ups: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls (one arm*): 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Tricep Extension on Gym Ball or Bench: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Gym Ball Back Extension: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)

Cooldown - Perform at least 5 minutes of static stretching for all the muscle groups worked.

* = Perform as many bicep curls as you can for one arm in 30 seconds, then immediately perform the same amount for the other arm with roughly the same tempo to ensure they both get as equal a workout as possible. After you have done the exercise on both arms then take your rest for between the set.


Warmup - 25 star jumps, 50 calf burn-outs (like skipping without the rope), 25 bodyweight squats, 25 dumbbell bent-over rows (with a low weight), 20 press-ups, 20 crunches and 10 leg raises.

Side-to-Side Step Jumps: 2x 30 seconds (45 second rests between the sets)
(1 minute rest after exercise*)
Calf Jumps onto step: 2x 30 seconds (45 second rests between the sets)
(1 minute rest)
Bodyweight Squats: 2x 30 a seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest*)
Calf Raises on Step: 2x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Press-ups: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls (one arm): 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest*)
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions on Gym Ball or Bench: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Bent-Leg Variation Deadlifts: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)

Cooldown - Perform at least 5 minutes of static stretching for all the muscle groups worked.

* = Advanced exercisers super-set/alternate with the next exercise before taking the specified rests. So you will be doing a set of each exercise – resting for 45 seconds, then resting for one minute after performing all the sets for those two exercises.


Side-to-Side Step Jump: Place a step on the floor in front of your feet facing vertically. Now move to one side of the step and jump over it landing on the other side. Then jump back over to the other side so you have returned to your original position. Continue this until the time for that set elapses. If you need to stop for a moment or bounce on the spot before making another jump feel free to do so as this may feel more natural to you, it’s about gaining a rhythm. Breathe out as you make the jump and breathe in before jumping again to regulate your breathing. Advanced exercisers should hold their arms up slightly, elbows bent and kept relatively still. This will ensure that you are using mostly your lower-body to jump rather than using your arms to boost you up and over.

Calf Jumps onto Step: Place a step on the floor in front of your feet facing horizontally. Jump onto the step and immediately jump back to the floor, back into the position you started in. Repeat this until the time for that set has elapsed. Ensure that you don’t bend your legs too much with the jump, you want to be using your calves to make the jump (similar to when skipping) rather than your quads or hamstrings. You can bend them ever so slightly on take off and landing to reduce impact on the joints. Breathe out as you make the jump and breathe in before jumping again to regulate your breathing. Advanced exercisers should hold their arms up slightly, elbows bent and kept relatively still. This will ensure that you are using mostly your lower-body to jump rather than using your arms to boost you up on and off the step

September Total Body Pump At The Gym


If you do not have access to a weight room or it does not have some of the equipment required please refer to our at home version of this workout using this link:


Please note that if you need to take a rest during the actual set (a rest-pause) then do so, just don't cheat yourself on the rest between sets and exercises by taking any longer than specified. Using a stopwatch or an app on your phone (such as a round-timer) is a good idea for this workout to make sure you are keeping to the exact times and you will really feel the pump!

Warmup -
Cross Trainer: 3mins forward, 2 mins backwards

Bodyweight Squats: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests between the sets)
(1 minute rest after exercise)

Calf Raises on Step: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Machine Chest Press: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Wide Grip Seated Row: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Machine Shoulder Press (knuckles facing you): 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Machine Preacher Curls: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Tricep Pushdown with Rope: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Machine Back Extension: 3x 20 seconds (45 second rests)

Cooldown - Perform at least 5 minutes of static stretching for all the muscle groups worked.


Warmup - Cross Trainer: 5 mins forward, 3 mins backwards

Side-to-Side Step Jumps:
2x 30 seconds (45 second rests between the sets) (1 minute rest after exercise*)
Calf Jumps onto Step: 2x 30 seconds (45 second rests between the sets)
(1 minute rest)
Squats with Barbell: 2x 30 a seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest*)
Calf Raises with Barbell or Standing Calf Raise Machine: 2x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Bench Press: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Barbell Bent-Over Rows: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Barbell Standing Overhead Press: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Close Grip EZ Bar Bicep Curls: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest*)
Tricep Pushdown with Rope: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)
(1 minute rest)
Bent-Leg Variation Deadlifts: 3x 30 seconds (45 second rests)

Cooldown - Perform at least 5 minutes of static stretching for all the muscle groups worked.

* = Advanced exercisers super-set/alternate with the next exercise before taking the specified rests. So you will be doing a set of each exercise – resting for 45 seconds, then resting for one minute after performing all the sets for those two exercises.

Side-to-Side Step Jump:
Place a step on the floor in front of your feet facing vertically. Now move to one side of the step and jump over it landing on the other side. Then jump back over to the other side so you have returned to your original position. Continue this until the time for that set elapses. If you need to stop for a moment or bounce on the spot before making another jump feel free to do so as this may feel more natural to you, it’s about gaining a rhythm. Breathe out as you make the jump and breathe in before jumping again to regulate your breathing. Advanced exercisers should hold their arms up slightly, elbows bent and kept relatively still. This will ensure that you are using mostly your lower-body to jump rather than using your arms to boost you up and over.

Calf Jumps onto Step:
Place a step on the floor in front of your feet facing horizontally. Jump onto the step and immediately jump back to the floor, back into the position you started in. Repeat this until the time for that set has elapsed. Ensure that you don’t bend your legs too much with the jump, you want to be using your calves to make the jump (similar to when skipping) rather than your quads or hamstrings. You can bend them ever so slightly on take off and landing to reduce impact on the joints. Breathe out as you make the jump and breathe in before jumping again to regulate your breathing. Advanced exercisers should hold their arms up slightly, elbows bent and kept relatively still. This will ensure that you are using mostly your lower-body to jump rather than using your arms to boost you up on and off the step

Supplement Tax Disgust

The first of October 2012 will be a sad day for the sports nutrition industry as the Government will impose 20% VAT on their products. The dust of a peaked-passion for sports fuelled by the Olympics and Paralympics isn't even close to settling while fitness enthusiasts will be disgusted to learn that they be forced to suffer a significant increase in the cost of supplements from this date.

You will undoubtedly notice the jump in price soon enough and may be searching elsewhere for your supplementation needs in the near future, but this change is purely to line the Government's pocket. This means that we shouldn't be blaming the sports nutrition companies for slapping a higher figure on their labels because they will pretty much have to. In fact the UK Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance was formed (fronted by such companies) to oppose the move, albeit to no avail.

Obviously the money generated from the taxation could be used to fund positive developments in the sports/fitness industry and pioneering a healthy lifestyle. However, it seems backwards to hurt those who are already passionate about staying healthy and those who will become so in future. On the one hand the Government makes incentives and encourages us to become more active, and with the other hand they punish us for taking them up on the offer.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


What Is a Hard-Gainer?

You may have heard the expression a thousand times but for those who haven't it often helps to identify exactly what your limitations are when it comes to exercise. A hard-gainer is a person who worksout to build muscle but struggles to see significant gains, even if they work hard to achieve results. They are likely to be doing many of the things that are closely associated with building mass but just don't seem to be able to put on weight, especially that which consists of muscle.

You may be reading this thinking "that's me" and you wont be pleased to know that it is most likely in your genes. This means you could be thrashing yourself during your workouts with little gains and your spotting partner could be doing exactly the same and getting huge at the same time. Similarly they may envy your high metabolism, which might be the route cause of your gain's productivity. But basic jealousy will lead nowhere for anyone, it's time to fight back and use some techniques crucially employed by the savvy hard-gainer to pack on the kilos.

Fighting Back

The realisation that it is in your nature doesn't mean that you are hopeless and there are ways to combat the seemingly eternal struggle of the hard-gainer, some of which may seem unproductive at first. One of the first questions you should be asking yourself if you are a hard-gainer is : "Am I participating in a mass gaining exercise programme, training intensely 5-6 times a week with sessions exceeding well over an hour?" If the answer is 'yes' then you are certainly over-training and there is no real way of justifying to yourself that this is a productive way to build mass. You need to be taking plenty of rest days between particularly intense workouts, and if you can't fit training all your muscle groups into three solid sessions then maybe you should consider changing how you split them up. To get straight to the point if you're training one muscle group per session you should consider two or even three muscle groups in future.

Splitting It Up

An example split for your weights program would be:

Day 1: Chest and Triceps
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs and Abs
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back, Biceps and Shoulders
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Rest

This may look like a lot of rest days, but if you are working intensely enough then as a hard-gainer you will require this time to recover and rebuild before 'overloading' your body again with another intense workout (even if the body parts seem unrelated to each other). If you get too restless on your days off then you can try some active rest techniques, such as cycling at a very low intensity for 30 minutes; This will help reduce delayed offset muscle soreness (DOMS) and help you to sleep if you're one of those people who can't nod off if they haven't expended enough physical energy during the day. But also be aware that it may boost your metabolism which could already an underlying problem for many hard-gainers (although in the case of fat-burning or general health a highly active metabolism is usually a positive thing to posses).  

It may be more efficient for you to do a moderately intense abdominal workout as a rest day instead of the example split above and you could also dedicate more time to your shoulders adding it to your legs workout (day 3 in the example). This is just a possible suggestion, but the main principle here is indulging in plenty of rest, especially when you feel overly sore or burnt-out. You most certainly should organise your chosen workout so that you feel as fresh as possible when starting the next cycle of the workout (try to be fresh for day 1 or it will have a knock-on effect to your next session and the next).

Session Length

The length of your session should not exceed an hour and this includes any warm up sets etc that you perform. As a hard-gainer you will almost certainly start catabolism after this period of intense exercise which basically means that your body will start to eat into its own muscle to provide the energy for the rest of the session. This is at a molecular level, we do not mean you will start munching on your biceps, that would be more in the realms of self-cannibalism. On a more serious note, those who are determined to make progress and get fired up in the gym will undoubtedly find a strict one-hour duration hard to adhere to, but make sure you hit the showers once you reach that hour mark before you are tempted to do any more. That means even if you feel like you have some energy left, convince yourself that it'll pay off in the short-term and the long-term because it will. You should be able to perform well in your next session and with perseverance you will no longer use your own muscle proteins as fuel from your reserve tank.

Another plus point with the shortness of the session is that you are more likely to stick to the optimum rest period for mass gaining in order to complete an intense workout for all the desired body parts that day. The optimum rest period for gaining muscle mass is 60-90 seconds (some may argue as much as 120 seconds but we advise that this is strictly the uppermost limit - including time to change weight plates or ready spotters etc.) Cheat here by estimating or making excuses and you're cheating yourself by limiting your gains.

If this rest period between sets is not enough for you to perform 3 - 5 sets of 8 - 10 reps per exercise then consider leaving the ego in the locker-room and reducing the weight until you can do so consistently. Furthermore you shouldn't be blasting the reps out with a quick tempo, as this is more suitable for fat-burning. Try performing the exercise without too much speed in a controlled nature, hold at the middle portion of the move and return to the original position even slower (3 - 5 seconds). This may seem an odd way to grow in size, as you probably wont be lifting the heaviest you ever have or ever will - but it is about utilising the correct energy systems required and burdening the muscle in a way that increases the size of the muscle fibres once they are repaired.

Cut the Cardio

As we have already mentioned you can use active rest days if you are adverse to sitting as still as a swotty child in a classroom, but if your main priority is to gain mass then you should not indulge in much moderate to intense cardio vascular (CV) activity, if any at all (other than 5 min warmup/cooldown - but of course these should not be intense).

For 4 - 8 weeks make mass gaining your priority, employing the techniques mentioned, you can always look to pick up your CV fitness or look to burn fat/get ripped in your next phase of your workouts. Doing one form of training can often be detrimental to the other, but changing to another focus in different phases can jump-start your progress and motivation. Don't worry it will soon be mass building time again and the more focused you are on that goal - the more weeks in a row you can dedicate to that side of your training. You may only wish to do two or three weeks of fat-burning (or power, strength, endurance etc.) but just ensure that you are not mindlessly scattering from one goal to another from one day to the next.

Calories, Calories, Calories

Nutrition is not this article's focus, but obviously it has a significant role when trying to gain mass (indeed it plays a huge part in any exercise regime). What does need mentioning is that if you are a hard-gainer partaking in intense exercise then you need to be consuming a lot of calories within your diet. Furthermore this will most likely need to be supplemented in order for you to chomp your way through well over the government's recommended daily calorie intake (2100 for men 1800 for women). These are guidelines for the 'average person', who is probably not training intensely enough to warrant eating any more than this guideline. As an exercising hard-gainer you need to be exceeding this amount so make sure that any mass gain shakes or bars you buy have plenty of calories per serving - with a carbohydrate source that is not basically all sugar. It is also worth mentioning that when looking for such a supplement that you should check how many servings you get with that particular product. Often brands will sell huge tubs of mass-gain powder for the same price as other brand's smaller tubs, making it look like a bargain at first glance. But sometimes tubs as nearly as heavy as 5kg can give you only 8 servings because of the giant or numerous scoops required to make a serving.

It may seem tempting to take your weight-gain supplements before going to sleep to help combat the 'fasting' that occurs during this time. This is sometimes recommended on the packaging but if it is indeed a calorie heavy one (which as we mentioned it should be) this will most likely be stored as fat as you are not burning it off quickly enough due to your minimal activity. However, you could use casein protein before going to bed as this is a source of protein that burns slower than the mass gainers (and whey protein). While this may not be the best supplement for gaining mass during your daily routine it is certainly one of the best for repairing your muscles during slumber so think about adding this to your shopping list too.

Mass Caution

One very important thing to mention about starting any mass training program is that beginners should first build up their muscular endurance as the overload created from lifting relatively heavy weights at a slow tempo will be too intense. Even if you are completely focused on gaining size you must first prepare the body with a suitable muscular endurance program aimed at beginners and develop from there.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Get Fit For Selection In The Armed Forces

With cut backs in armed forces regiments it's now even harder to standout against the competition when meeting the requirements needed to pass their fitness tests. If you want to get fit for the selection tests and aren't sure where to begin or what tests will be involved then Home Improvement Fitness are here with the intel and basic training to get you started.

Many armed forces require a very high standard of fitness for you to make the grade depending on your gender, age and position applied for. In many cases it wont just be the regulation fitness tests outlined in black and white before you apply. You may also be required to do more specialised tests for specific roles which may only be revealed a weeks before they commence. These forces aren't trying to be sneaky here, it is just the way it goes; they may be trying to fill the position as soon as possible or they may be catering for the fact that the tests can vary from vacancy to vacancy even if it is the same role.

It is a good idea to train for all eventualities and to keep up a decent level of fitness even before you enter the application stage as you could be called for such tests at a moments notice depending on the nature of them. The tests mostly involve some form of cardio vascular (CV) exercise or task that applies enough strain on your aerobic system so that you reach your V02 maximum. Basically this means you will be working up to your maximum oxygen intake, which could come a lot sooner than you think if your fitness is average or below this level. There will also most likely be upper-body and abdominal strength exercises too, and there could be tests to evaluate your competence with swimming/treading water and even tests for you motor skills.

The particular armed forces you are applying for should have the proper technique they require for your upper-body (most likely press-ups) and abdominal region (sit-ups) on their website. For example here is the link for the RAF's correct techniques
so first get accustomed to the technique before trying to drill too many in and picking up bad habits, for example bouncing back up too quickly on the sit-ups as these may not be counted towards your total on the actual test day.

In the Royal Marines they will also test you on pull-ups (AKA chin-ups). This will be performed on a wooden beam with an overhand grip (knuckles facing towards your body and palms facing away) to a set of beeps that will sound for both the upward and downward portions of the movement. The reason for this is to stop you cheating and using momentum from the previous rep to bounce back upwards for the next one. So when practising your pull-ups you want to also be using a wooden beam and ensuring that your repetitions aren't with the use of momentum to simulate how they will be performed on the actual day. If you can't find a sturdy wooden beam that can take your weight and wont give you splinters (if you have a garage the beams in there might be ideal but ensure you check they are safe first) then try using the frame of any gym equipment that has a sturdy beam that can take your weight. The best example here is probably a conventional cable-cross machine.

Purpose-made chin-up handles may seem more comfortable and are fine when your first starting out, but it will not place as big of a burden on your grip and will not simulate what will be required of you on the test day. Therefore it's best to ditch these handles as soon as you possibly can to switch to a beam. If you are having problems performing the basic entry level of eight quality pull-ups (more senior roles will require higher amounts) then you may need someone to spot you, raising you up from the legs to assist you until you are able to do them on your own. Similarly if you have a gym membership or have a multi-station at home you can perform lateral pull-downs loaded with a stack that is less than your body-weight to help train the muscles that are used during a pull-up, as it is an extremely similar motion for your body to perform and it will help you build up towards using a beam. You may have seen assisted chin-up machines, where you can place your knees on a padded platform that moves up and down to help you perform a similar action. This basically means that you will feel lighter, but you will be performing the same motions required to complete a chin-up (only it will be easier). Just be aware that most conventional assisted chin-up machines become easier with the more weight you select because it is used as a counterbalance to your body-weight.

Once you have got your technique down for all the required exercises it is time to start seeing how many press-ups and sit-ups you can do in a minute (or two minutes in the case of the Royal Marines). Start with the exercise you feel weakest at first and take a 30-45 second rest between sets. Alternate between the two exercises for a total of 3-4 sets of each. If you get more advanced at this try only resting after doing a set of both exercises (AKA super-sets). If you need a rest during the actual set (a rest-pause) do this during the upward portion of a press-up and the downward portion of your sit-ups. Do not put your knees on the floor during a rest-pause for your press-ups, because on the test day no further repetitions will be counted after you put your knees on the ground (even if there is time left during your monitored minute). You should be doing these exercises within your programme every other day, allowing those muscle groups to recover. Allowing time to recover by no means indicates you should be slacking off and you should be adding an element of very intense CV work into your workouts on almost every occasion. You should be aiming for hitting that VO2 maximum mentioned earlier and working to reduce the amount of recovery time needed and lactic acid build up in the muscles.

Obviously if your fitness test involves a run with a specific distance (usually within a time limit) you should look to replicate this in your workouts, especially if you want to see your current pace and progression. But you wont want to be doing this every session as you will most likely be over-training specific muscle groups. If possible, get yourself down to a gym or leisure centre and also try rowing intervals. Start off by doing 5 intervals of 500m aiming to do at least 3 of these in under 2 minutes with a 1 min rest period. Some modern indoor rowing machines will allow you to program these intervals at this pace before starting your workout. Doing this will also mean that you don't cheat with your rest periods, as the next interval will start the second your rest period is over.

Work your way up slowly adding an extra interval each week until you reach 8 or 9 intervals that meet that pace. If you begin to meet this pace comfortably and want to push yourself further then you don't necessarily need to increase the amount of intervals any further but do decrease the rest periods as this will improve your recovery rate. Your recovery rate will be essential for the types of tests during selection-weekends, where you may be required to perform multiple tasks with little time to rest in between.

One of the best tests for monitoring specifically how fit you are when it comes to CV fitness is the bleep/beep test. Which we will cover more closely in another article (LINK TO FOLLOW) which involves running between two markers placed 20m apart at a constantly increasing pace. This may seem similar to interval training but the distinct difference is there are no rest periods, once you drop below the pace of the beeps you are out. Many of the roles in the armed forces that involve a greater need for fitness will perform this test and will require you to reach a high level (sometimes not specified beforehand) otherwise they might be escorting you to the exit sooner than you might like. The scores you have obtained in other areas in testing probably wont save you if you don't perform well on this multi-stage fitness-test (MSFT).

If your role includes a motor skills test then you should already be doing things that improve this throughout your daily life. If not it might be time to dust off some sports gear like your football boots or maybe re-string that old tennis racket. Believe it or not one of the simplest ways for the armed forces to test your motor skills is to have you play sports like these and evaluate your performance. So getting some mates down the park for a game of footy, shooting some hoops or even adding a game of badminton in your training programs will be beneficial if your motor skills are to be tested. No need to up the intensity here really, so maybe use these as 'active rest' days if your not over-training or are feeling a little restless on your days off. While on the subject, once your training program is in full swing you should be looking to do at least five days a week of one hour's intense exercise each day. But each individual is different and after particularly intense days of exercise when you feel that you are over-training then you may wish to take a day off to recover or reduce the intensity for a couple of workouts so you don't get too burnt out.

There is so much to cover on this subject and any more information may leave you shell-shocked from bombarding you with too much at once, but hopefully now that you are armed with a guideline of the sorts of tests you may face and the sorts of exercises you should be focusing on you will be prepared for the gruelling selection days ahead. With that being said - don't be put off the idea all together - keep in mind most roles have its variety of tests and it pays to do your research on these as early as possible. You may dread one of the tests we have mentioned here and it might not be included on your selection weekend, so don't get too paranoid about it. However, it should go without saying that if you are dreading a particular test that you know you are going to take and it is your weakness then make that the focus of your training. Work hard on the aspect required to improve on that area and make it become one of your strengths. Normally when you are exercising to feel good and get healthy you want to be doing things that you enjoy, but if you are deadly serious about making it in the armed forces then you are going to have to do some forms of training that just aren't very enjoyable. If you train hard before the test day(s) and don't cheat yourself, you will thank the person staring back at you in the mirror for it.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Combat Training

The training

As mentioned in our article about Michael Phelps (linked above) many people are adopting combat training as a form of keeping fit, even if they don't intend on becoming a hardened warrior. But what are the benefits and why should you try and add such techniques into your workout schedules?

Techniques such as striking pads, circuit training between punch/kick bags and sparring help with so many aspects of fitness - in fact some would argue that it helps develop all aspects of fitness. It certainly helps with fat-burning, improving cardio, agility, balance and flexibility. With so many benefits from one focus of training its not hard to understand why so many people adopt this method rather than splitting their training up into these separate categories.

This does not mean to say that training focused on these and other aspects (long distance endurance training and powerlifting etc.) are not worth while pursuing, but it can be an excellent way to supplement these methods. Likewise these methods can be used to supplement your combat training. No offence to those that enjoy long drawn out slogs on the treadmill, but it's also not hard to understand how people often consider combat training a more fun approach to keeping fit. Chances are you will be focusing on how good your technique is and whether each hit was better than your last, so this may even take your mind off any natural discomfort you feel from exercising, such as the build up of lactic acid.

Martial arts gyms

The gym method might not be for everyone, afterall this is why Home Improvement Fitness was first launched. Some may feel intimidated performing techniques amongst people who are more advanced or have different goals to themselves (such as becoming pro fighters). Similarly, advanced fighters may feel that they are not getting enough focus in group classes or that they are not allowed to work on aspects they want to. For example they may want to add weights into their routine, or drill their advanced moves more often and are forced to do less intense routines so the rest of the class can keep up. If this is the case, or you just want a personal focus then get in touch with someone who can provide personal sessions with padwork.

The martial arts gyms have their advantages over us too, such as the social element and bringing sense of achievement with their grading systems working towards a black-belt. However it must also be said that no matter how much these focused gyms assure you that there is no pressure for you to start fighting, they will do so. Once you have progressed from the earlier belts you will have to start competing in a set number of amateur bouts before they will allow you to do the next grading. As you may have guessed the grading also costs money whether you pass or not so the incentive for them for your progress may be purely in their financial interest.

Comprimising between costs and technique

Add up the membership fees, uniform, class fees, equipment, grading and fight entry fees and you could find yourself much more out of pocket than they initially claimed. Some martial arts gyms don't even have free parking with a sixty pound plus fine if you don't display a valid ticket. We are not saying avoid martial arts gyms like wildfire but please ensure that you weigh up all the costs before committing to them.

You might be more interested in free group classes at your current gym and we say if your already paying your membership fee go for it! Its a great way to stay in shape and socialise at the same time and employs many of the cardio elements that martial arts training does. Just be aware that more often than not such techniques have been watered down to make things more accessible to the masses and easier for the instructor too. By this we mean that the techniques have been altered to be a group training/circuit friendlier workout and will most likely not be correct form. So while these classes are fun and good for cardio be aware that they are rarely a substitute for self-defence or real training techniques used by combat sport athletes. Furthermore they can lack a sense of focus and adjusting/perfecting each technique for better results.

The moral of the story here is that anyone can benefit from combat training, but you should make sure that you know what you want from it. If your serious about becoming a fighter then join a martial arts gym. If your more interested in meeting and socialising with people then maybe try a group class in a gym or leisure centre. However, no matter what level of fitness you are at or skill level you are, if you prefer a personal session then contact our instructors. You wont find anyone more devoted to your progression at a competitive price and we wont charge you monthly fees and will provide all the equipment needed.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Michael Phelps Using Combat Training 2012

Swimming superstar Michael Phelps has started using combat training for better results in his sport, but how can training in a field that seems worlds apart be so beneficial?

Well, not only are some of the skills more transferable than you think it also helps him to fight the boredom factor when it comes to extensive periods of training. One of the training methods utilised by Phelps is to work some boxing skills with a trainer holding hand pads (aka focus mits). This will involve the trainer holding the pads in a variety of ways and calling out sequences of punches for the multi gold medal winner, who will perform striking techniques.

Some people might think of boxing primarily only working the hands and arms, especially with expressions like 'they have hands of stone' when referring to heavy-hitting boxers. However, most of the power generated from a boxing style punch comes from the core muscles - the twisting of the hips and the movement of the torso. Swimming also greatly involves the use of the core and therefore using boxing techniques will most likely prove to be a very useful tool in training for further success.

With such a heavy focus on fitness and extensive workout schedule Phelps says the addition of such training techniques keeps training fun and alleviates the boredom factor within his regime. Home Improvement Fitness encourages you to get involved with such training techniques so keep an eye out for more of our articles on the subject (such as Combat Training Continued), or if you have been in contact with one of our instructors from book a private session with them via the number provided on their business card to use similar pad-striking techniques or search for some of the martial arts gyms in the area if you prefer to train in a group.

Stretching (Dynamically)

You should always be stretching before and after a workout, but the type of stretching you perform is crutial. Before a workout you should be stretching dynamically, most likely after raising your heart rate with some very light exercise (such as a warm up on a static cycle or light jogging). Dynamic stretching involves stretching the muscles you are about to use in your workout and will most likely mimic the actions you are about to perform but in a more controlled manner.

The picture above is a good example of a dynamic stretch that could be performed before a workout that involved using your legs a lot (like running or football). Usually with around 10-15 repetitions for each stretch this is done as a controlled movement, rather than being held statically. This method is used to warm and prepare the muscles for the workout ahead rather than to progress your flexibility in the long term. Progressive static stretching should be left until the end of your workout.