Thursday, 28 August 2014

Crossfit and Thai Boxing session 30th August 2014

We will meet at the dojo at 9:30 and head over to Crossfit WA4

Session at Crossfit will include:

General warmup including dynamic stretching

Work out of the day (W.O.D)
A. Handstand work & rope climbing
B. Max rep burpee pull ups in 4min
300m run buy in
C. Dragon Flags

Then in the dojo we shall be performing the following:

Quick dynamic warmup (head-to-toe)

Sparring with full protective equipment: 3x 2:30 rounds each  (light)
Pad work: Focus on combinations and footwork  3x 2:00 rounds each (moderate power)
Speed interval style on heavy bags: knees and elbows only 5x 30s

Static stretching (head-to-toe)

Enjoyable hell!

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