Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Crossfit and Thai Boxing Session Sat 6th Sept

Crossfit portion (at Crossfit WA4):
Cal Row
box Jump
Press up
Sit Up
Jumping Pull Ups
1 min per exercise
1 min recovery after each round
Thai boxing portion (at Home Improvement Fitness Dojo):
Dynamic warmup
1x 1 min round padwork
1x 1 min round clinching knees on hanging torso bag
(3 times with 1 minute rest after both exercises have been performed)
Padwork circuit: Hook, hook duck, duck to burpee, body-body head to clinching knees, double kick each leg to tuck jump x 5
(3 times each, switching partner each time - their turn is your rest period!)
3x 3 min round body boxing (for cardio purposes - so continious and not powerful - excessive resting during round will result in pressups) 
Static stretching 

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Adding crossfit workout once a week to our sessions

Sorry for getting behind on the blog guys, as you know we have been busy adding MMA techniques and new equipment/exercises to our programmes. Furthermore we have added a session of crossfit to the weekly regime so things are really coming along and I want to thank you for your support during this time of expansion. I would also like to thank Crossfit WA4 for agreeing to help mentor Home Improvement Fitness Instructors in Crossfit techniques and merging Saturday's session to create an all-round fitness experience!

Thai Boxing Session (Mon 1st Sept)

- Dynamic Warmup -


Squat x 10
Lunges (with twist) x 10
Inch Worms x 10
Mountain Climbers (to outside of knee) x10

- 3 times of circuit - continuous, with no rest


One round boxing only
One round kicks only
Two rounds all-in

Bag and padwork

Hanging torso bag - kicks and knees only  1.5min
swap to
Pads with instructor - boxing only 1.5min
Swap to
Rest - 1.5 min

(3 times)

Incline situps  30s
Russian twists with 5KG weight plate
Leg raises 30s

(2 times)

Static Stretching

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Crossfit and Thai Boxing session 30th August 2014

We will meet at the dojo at 9:30 and head over to Crossfit WA4

Session at Crossfit will include:

General warmup including dynamic stretching

Work out of the day (W.O.D)
A. Handstand work & rope climbing
B. Max rep burpee pull ups in 4min
300m run buy in
C. Dragon Flags

Then in the dojo we shall be performing the following:

Quick dynamic warmup (head-to-toe)

Sparring with full protective equipment: 3x 2:30 rounds each  (light)
Pad work: Focus on combinations and footwork  3x 2:00 rounds each (moderate power)
Speed interval style on heavy bags: knees and elbows only 5x 30s

Static stretching (head-to-toe)

Enjoyable hell!